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New Land v 1.2

  • 2015-05-22 08:56
  • Maps

New Land-1 New Land-2 New Land-3

– New additions are the mod MapBuyableObject
– A new BGA as the court and Hofanbau
– As for the fields we have come up with what the AGS team
– You have 3 own fields a field is ready for harvesting, the other 2 fields you have to first create (field edge is given) so only flights
– The same applies also for the other fields
– For the big field areas that you have to buy only the fields in these areas does not have to again buy only the big field areas
– Buying bare area e are field 14,15,16,17 and 18 then field 4.5 and 6 and then 9.10 and 11
– In addition you can also expand with even more and the Hofanbau well, but looks even the yard
– Bask everything has remained as it is known by the AGS Map

Authors: FSM Moding, marhu, AGS Team


One Response to New Land v 1.2

  1. stuart

    Hi there

    the only thing i cant get to work on the map is the buyable objects which is hard as i would like to use the full extent of this great map

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