This is a small script that the Krone of Ultima BM-Modding adds a counter for the wrapping foil and the Ballengarn. So you always have an overview of the levels. The wars actually already.
Version 3.6:
* The press can now easily Multifruit be done with this script when the swath is also available on the Map. The most common Mult Fruit straws I have already registered in the modDesc.
This includes:
– Roggenstroh – rye_windrow – Output: Straw bales
– Oat straw – oat_windrow – Output: Straw bales
– Kleeschwad – klee_windrow – Output: Grass bales
– Luzerneschwad – luzerne_windrow – Output: Grass bales
– Dinkel straw – dinkel_windrow – Output: Straw bales
* If you have other on the map, then you can easily add these in the modDesc. Simple line copy and paste directly below. Then you can customize and define whether a straw bale to get out of the fillType.
* Controlled is with isStrawBale = “true”. If it says the value to false, then comes out a grass bales
* The role the pickup now rotates only when filling the press
The following error messages should no longer occur:
– Error: Running LUA method ‘loadSharedI3DFileFinished’.
C: / Users / USER_NAME / Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2015 / mods // KroneUltimaCF155XC / Specializations / Ultima.lua: 1620: attempt to index field ‘wrapperCurrentBale’ (a nil value)
– Error: Running LUA method ‘loadSharedI3DFileFinished’.
C: / Users / USER_NAME / Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2015 / mods // KroneUltimaCF155XC / Specializations / Ultima.lua 1861: attempt to index field ‘wrapperCurrentBale’ (a nil value)
Author: Ifko[nator]
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