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Factory for fertilizer feed diesel


Product 1:
Produce Fuel -> fuel can be sold or are themselves Uses
Requires rape

Product 2:
Power generation with silage and manure -> Money
Requires silage and manure

Product 3:
Power generation with slurry and manure -> Money and fertilizer
Requires manure and slurry

Product 4:
Producing fertilizer with manure and manure -> Fertilizers and money: fertilizer can be sold at the sale, or you can consume in itself
Requires manure and slurry

Product 5:
Feed production
Requires hay or grass – Silage – Straw

Product 6:
System with water cooling -> Money
Requires water

Product 7:
Seed production – Can be Sold or herself Consume
Requires water – wheat or corn – fertilizer

Product 7:
Seed production – Can be Sold or herself Consume
Requires water – wheat or corn – fertilizer

Product 8:
Wood pellets – You get money

Authors: t0xic0m, Gaints, t2k-lsmodding


One Response to Factory for fertilizer feed diesel

  1. Hernan David

    hi, i cant install this mood, i see the store but i cant put, i need Giant Editor or other aplication.

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