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Silent Valley v 1.01

  • 2014-12-18 12:39
  • Maps

Silent-Valley-v-1.01-1 Silent-Valley-v-1.01-2 Silent-Valley-v-1.01-3

The Map is based on latest version of the LS13 Map SVbB. Some minor changes had to endure the Map of course. Thus, for example, has the terrain to field 1 to 4 completely changed the realistic driving behavior of the LS15 vehicles would not have to put to the test. However, it shows the devices and vehicles, including in that they really easily encounter due to the hilly landscape here in part to their limits, which personally but it was so much more fun.
All located on the map 3-D trees with Collision and accordingly precipitable. In series 2 and 3, and even more allowed myself to decorative purposes to build in 2-D trees. Actually, however, the player should not come into contact with it. Who bothers you should keep away from the outset the finger and the pointer from the Download Button perhaps the same.

Author: Bandit


4 Responses to Silent Valley v 1.01

  1. Nicox

    je n’arrive pas à ouvrir les portes de batiments? quelqu’un peut m’aider.. je suis sous mac.

  2. Samoud

    Probleme d’ouverture des barrieres quelqu’un peut aider.
    Il faut un mods ouverture de pote mais je ne le trouve pas

  3. Nicox

    personne pour nous expliquer comment faire pour ouvrir les portes svp…………… la carte est sympa mais du coup il manque pas mal de chose derrière ces foutues portes!!!!

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