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Krone Ultima Extension v 3.5


This is a small script that the Krone of Ultima BM-Modding adds a counter for the wrapping foil and the Ballengarn. So you always have an overview of the levels. The wars actually already.

Version 3.5:
* Compatibility with the V2 Krone Ultima, (if you still have the V1 of the press, please enlargement not been updated)
* You can now also wrap bales of straw. Who does not want to have ingame this option, which is to provide the modDesc the value at allowWrapStrawBales easily from true to false
* All unneeded fixes were removed
* You can now adjust the height of the modDesc Huds for the film and mesh Counter. If not adjust the Y position of the Huds, you can customize with hudPosYCamOn and hudPosYCamOff the position
* The first value is for the state when the cam is on, and the second when the cam is made

Author: Ifko[nator]


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